Sociology Research on LARP Subculture Part Deux

Were you introduced to LARPing by a friend or media seen in a related hobby?

  • Yes - medieval reenactment/performance/sword-fighting
  • Yes - milsim (airsoft, etc.)
  • Yes - theatre/acting
  • Yes - tabletop/pen and paper RPGs
  • Yes - martial arts
  • Yes - other (please let me know which one)
  • No

0 voters

Thanks for all the answers, guys! I gotta say, not quite the demographics I was expecting because of . My survey is still 11 votes less than the old one, so either the crowd is getting older or the youngins haven’t answered yet. Also sorry for not making some of the questions in the second one multi choice. Gah it’s gonna be so hard to only write 2000 words.
Thanks for the comment about feeder groups- I should have put that in the original, so here we are everyone.
Tick multiple boxes if you heard about LARP from more than one source.

well wheres the friends option, as thats how i got into it

If you weren’t doing a related hobby before LARP, then tick ‘No’.

I ticked “No” - Matt introduced me, and we were both into stuff like Magic the Gathering, but he was just my friend, not “Matt from Magic”, so my reasoning was he would have introduced me regardless of whether or not we played Magic. Perhaps you want to put high school as an option?

Eh, school isn’t really related to hobbies. If I included that, I’ve have to include things like work, and where would it end?

Twas my sister for me, way back when. Then reintroduced through friends once at uni.

I’m the “Yes - other” option. I was invited along by a friend in a science fiction fan club.

I chose “No”. Me and Andrew started LARPHS (now Skirmish) before we even knew that “larp” was a term.

I clicked “no” because none of the “yes” options were appropriate. Yes I was introduced to it by a friend, but it was sort of out of the blue.

I ticked no on the grounds that I helped establish Live Role Play in Hamilton

I ticked the swordfighting option, I was invited at NAAMA to be a retainer of elven prince (guess who :laughing: ) and couldn’t resist the possibility to try pointy ears on :unamused:

I said no because I got introduced one day, without warning, by a guy i barely knew, while eating lunch at highschool.

I ticked tabletop roleplaying, because the people who introduced me to larp were tabletop roleplayers first, and so was I.

Are you trying to uncover what the gateway drugs of larp are? I think the wording of the question might be a bit off if that’s the case.

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

I finished this a couple months ago, sorry for not letting everyone know. I got 27/30 (it was worth 30%). Thanks so much for your help everyone!

i ticked no because my brother introduced me. he’s my friend though so.

I ticked yes other because i read about it in a magazine years ago and wrote my first game in 1990

Zannii - thanks for being so eager, but this was for a paper I did a year ago now.

damn it why don’t you care about me! :frowning: :stuck_out_tongue: