SGM motions - straw poll

What do you think the minimum number of members to form a new regional branch of NZLARPS should be?

  • Prefer 10 members
  • Prefer 15 members
  • Equally happy with either 10 or 15 members
  • Don’t like any of these options

0 voters

This is in regard to the SGM on April 9 2014. Please do go read the motions and vote sometime:

The reason for this poll is that I’d like to get a sense of which way people’s preferences lie, to help inform my vote. Because there’s a chance that if we split our votes, neither will pass.

If it turns out the mood in the community is different to my preference, personally I’ll vote Yes to both motions in order to ensure one of them passes.

NOTE: this is not the SGM vote! Please do also go and vote either by email or in person at the SGM meeting.