NZLARPs SGM Minutes April 9th

NZLARPs SGM 9th April 2014
Present: Dave Luxton, Mikaere Curtis, Hannah Jackson, James Cooper, Ryan Paddy, Reuben Strom, Brad Thompson, Nikki Brown, Muppet Brown
Meeting start: 7:20pm

Motion to vote James Cooper in as the chair for the meeting: Proposed by James, seconded by Ryan.
Motion carried unanimously.

Discussion about finding a volunteer to be returning officer.

Motion to vote Mikaere Curtis in as the returning officer for the meeting: Proposed by Mike, seconded by James.
Motion carried unanimously.

Eligible votes and motions for meeting:

We have 21 email votes, plus 9 members here tonight = sufficient for quorum. Two non-members voted, which brings us down to 28 eligible voters. Quorum is 26 members.

Motion 1: That Section 12 b be replaced by the following – that every branch have 15 members.
Motion 2: That Section 12 b be replaced by the following – that every branch have 10 members.


  • Ryan suggested 10 in the national forum, as he feels this allows branches to form earlier, and because this allows regions to control their own affairs rather than being under the control of another region.
  • James thinks that 15 is better, as quite a large proportion of the community in a centre will sign up initially.
  • Ryan – Having to get 15 members has meant that Hamilton has done recruiting to reach the number.

In person votes:
Motion 1
7 votes yes, 0 votes no, 2 abstensions.
Motion 2
7 votes yes, 1 vote no, 1 abstension.

Online votes:
Motion 1:
11 yes, 4 no, 4 abstentions
(one of the nos or abstensions was from a non-member)

This gives us a total of 18 yes out of 27 votes = 66.67%.
Motion passed – just, as we need a 2/3 majority to pass in order to change the constitution.
Note: Mike counted 17 votes, but got interrupted during the counting. We asked for a volunteer to do a recount. Muppet recounted the votes and got 18. We voted to accept the recount as true.

Motion 2:

7 yes, 2 no, 2 abstensions
Motion did not pass, as we need 66% to pass in order to change the constitution.

Meeting closed: 8:13pm.

Thanks for these.

Followup: the amendment became formal last week when it appeared on the Registrar of Incorporated Societies database. Following this, the national committee passed a motion to recognise Hamilton as a new regional branch. So, congratulations Hamilton, you now officially exist!