Heh. See, there’s no motivation at all to write up my thoughts if you’re going to do it for me. 
The wider point I was making (and I know I keep saying the same thing), is that we’ve had a shift in the entire model of what-campaign*-larping-looks-like here over the 20-odd years I’ve been doing this, and the shift has accelerated in the last few years.
There’s nothing essentially wrong with the shift from cheap-backyard-fun, to professional-weekend-long-events; but it has a significant effect in terms of accessibility for people who might want to run a game.
It’s partly the community maturing - we’ve got a lot of folks in their 30s and 40s now, which makes more expensive, fancier, events (and significant travel!) accessible to more, who have a larger disposable income.
Again, there’s nothing wrong with these big weekend campaigns - I want to see them! They’re cool! But we need diversity of structure and model, and I feel like the big weekend events are crowding out those possibilities just by sheer calendar dominance. We need other models for running campaigns to be visible and available. We need (and I can’t believe I’m saying this) things like those high frequency WoD games back.
*Yes, I’m focused on campaigns. They’re my thing! One-offs I’ll play for my fix, but I don’t really invest in them.