Wellington AGM 18th October 2017 nominations

I accept the nomination.

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We really need a gear officer guys. You’re allowed to step up, otherwise I’ll start nominating!

And while I’m here I guess I’ll accept nomination for Regional Director. Means I can’t possibly be gear officer again! :smiley:

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I think the problem is that no one has the space to house it themselves.

Even more motivation for us to find a non-resident space for it all!

Yeah, this is true. So, official notice that I am working hard on getting the gear a space to live that doesn’t involve being in someone’s house or garage. I have a bunch of good leads and I am hopeful of getting it sorted before the election.

At which point we’ll need a bunch of working bees to get it moved and settled


Important update:

The date of the AGM has been changed to the 18th of October in order to align with the date of National’s AGM shifting.

Therefore, the cut off for nominations has also changed to the 11th of October.

Apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused.

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I nominate Norman Cates for Gear Officer

Also I have a provisional site for the gear that isn’t in someone’s house, details still to be finalised. (Contact me direct for deets, don’t clog this thread up). So you can safely compete for this job without feeling like it will eat your storage space


I second Norman Cates for gear officer.

Also, I move that we have two general officers.

I second that we have two general officers

I accept my nomination.

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I accept my nomination for gear officer.

Help me Obi Mel Korni


I nominate Jon Ball for Regional Treasurer


Unfortunately, you’d let your membership expire, so you can’t nominate.

To ensure validity: I nominate Jon Ball for Regional Treasurer.


Anthony D has declined his nomination for Regional treasurer


Marketing Officer’s report

While the regular monthly emails were successful at letting people know what was happening, our major marketing campaign at Armageddon didn’t do so well. Interest was lower than last year, while winter illness caused the cancellation of the large post-Armageddon larp, causing a $300 loss. While we have already recovered financially, it means that we haven’t had the large influx of new larpers we were hoping for this year. The move of Armageddon Wellington to Easter next year may mean it is challenging to run the same sort of campaign given the proximity to other events. The committee will need to discuss this before christmas and decide what they want to do.

We’ve seen less larp run in Wellington this year, with approximately 75 fewer player spaces in games than in 2016. While the immediate drop is perfectly understandable - a couple of large events just haven’t been able to happen this year - its part of a longer-term decline, and this is concerning.

I’ve repeated the marketing survey for a third year to gather information about what the Wellington larp community wants, as well as better data on safety. The results are here.

Wellington Google Hangout for tonight - https://hangouts.google.com/group/VsGaHGsB4BZp1JPx2
Feel free to join whenever