For more than a decade, NZLARPS has benefited from free web hosting by former member Craig Neilson. I am sure that I speak for us all when I thank Craig for his generous support over the years.
Craig is closing down his web platform, so we are migrating our sites to a new host. This hosting will also be free
We now have an opportunity to retire the and sites, and replace them with a Wordpress site which exposes the same content via the same URLs. The existing sites are fine, but it requires technical skill to make content changes, and the problem of user-friendly content management has been solved by the likes of Wordpress.
Diatribe will continue as it is (a phpBB site), with one proviso that it is maintained at the most up-to-date version (this is for security as php has a large attack surface area).
Wordpress was selected as the content management system because it is free, mature, open-source, integrates with BootStrap 3.0, and has a vast array of plugins we can use.
So, what features do you think will be useful ? I would like to create a backlog of features that can be implemented as time and resources allow.
Important: it you would like to help, please post here or PM me. You don’t need technical skills (although these are appreciated). Content creation and review is very important too, so if you have some time over the next 2-3 months, and would like to help then all assistance is much appreciated.
My current thoughts for the initial migration are:
- will be migrated as-is (i.e. very similar content), but there will be some kind of security system that allows specific people to make changes to the various pages.
- will get a revamp, splitting the general public information from NZLARPS membership functionality. Also, the events calendar will be replaced with some kind of plugin and we’ll include a way to link to the FB event (NB: you will not need to be a FB member to use our site or view our events).
- Styling will be via Bootstrap 3, and we would aim to be mobile-friendly
Would any of the following be useful ?
- accept payments for membership or events (via PayPal or similar)
- Sub-groups with their own mini-sites that are viewable only by group members (similar to the backstage area here on diatribe)
- Features only available to NZLARPS members (can’t think of any off the top of my head, just though it was worth asking)