The day before Valentine's Day - the last RP thread

#74 opens the letter. There’s a faint whiff of jasmine. She’s taken back to India, to her resurrection; the compound’s walls where covered in small, fragarant flowers. She reads it, salutes the other homunculus, picks up her things and wanders back to the tea rooms. Or room. Or patch of blue floor. She tries to decide whether she wants to file this with her other correspondance, but decides aaginst it.

[quote=“musicforwolves”]Zek nods, while fishing a pencil out of his pocket.

Sure am. Though it’s Zek, rather than Zeke. Rhymes with heck, or deck, or (and here he paused) nervous wreck. You’re the new Robin, I take it?[/quote]

Mild confusion, spark of memory, reads carefully.

“Zek.” obviously attempting to mentally add name and face together “Apologies, thought you’d already had the operation for some reason.” glances back at the note pad “Yes, Coach Guard to be precise. You’re a friend of Jane’s?”

Eyes speculatively, before thrusting a hand out

“I’m #13, a pleasure to finally meet you!”

warm smile

[I won’t be jumping into this thread as a week before game Ivy leaves the camp on “Bodyguard” business. She hasn’t returned yet.]

[quote=“Lokisson”]“Zek.” obviously attempting to mentally add name and face together “Apologies, thought you’d already had the operation for some reason.” glances back at the note pad “Yes, Coach Guard to be precise. You’re a friend of Jane’s?”

Eyes speculatively, before thrusting a hand out

“I’m #13, a pleasure to finally meet you!” [/quote]

Zek shakes the man’s hand firmly, then starts scribbling again.
Tomorrow night. Docs haven’t let me talk at all for a week. But it’ll be fine, I’m sure. I guess Jane’s told you all about it?

Dahlia loosened up the frown on her face and jumped a little. “Papa, I didn’t see you there!” she gasped, dropping a few of the papers in her hands. “klumpig mig” she sighed, watching the papers hit the ground[/quote]

“You are working too hard, and still sick. You take too much on.” He says with a worry etched across his face

The old man bends down gingerly and starts to gather the posters up.

“You should be in bed.”

Dahlia loosened up the frown on her face and jumped a little. “Papa, I didn’t see you there!” she gasped, dropping a few of the papers in her hands. “klumpig mig” she sighed, watching the papers hit the ground[/quote]

“You are working too hard, and still sick. You take too much on.” He says with a worry etched across his face

The old man bends down gingerly and starts to gather the posters up.

“You should be in bed.”[/quote]

“I’m always working, papa” she smiled, bending down to help her father. "you of all people should understand that"
She started gathering up the remainder of posters “Doctors don’t have time to be sick” she mumbled, laughing a little. Dahlia’s father always puts her in better spirits, no matter how bad she feels. “It would take more than Odin himself to make me go to bed”

Magnus furrows his brow.

“You know a doctor impaired is of no use to anyone.”

“So let me take this from you. I’ll put them about the camp if you promise to lie down for a bit.”

“Come dottir, do this for your old man. Save me from Odin’s wrath.” He says with a smile.

[quote=“Ants”]Magnus furrows his brow.

“You know a doctor impaired is of no use to anyone.”

“So let me take this from you. I’ll put them about the camp if you promise to lie down for a bit.”

“Come dottir, do this for your old man. Save me from Odin’s wrath.” He says with a smile.[/quote]

“But I can’t sleep papa…” She responded quietly.
“I haven’t been able to for a long time now. But you are right, and things seem very quiet”. Dahlia smiled “Leave the posters, enough are up. We’re both tired and should get some rest if today continues to be quiet”. She smirked a little then laughed “If we both go, we can avoid Odin altogether”

“Alright. I suppose I could do with a nap. I’m certainly not as vigorous as I used to be.” Magnus says as he smiles.

“Why don’t I tell you a story, like when you were child. They always seemed to help didn’t they? Whatever demons that plague your thoughts daughter, will be but a distant memory. We Swanhildes are made of strong stuff, and bad memories can’t harm us.” he says as his features soften.

“I’ll look after you.”

[quote=“Ants”]“Alright. I suppose I could do with a nap. I’m certainly not as vigorous as I used to be.” Magnus says as he smiles.

“Why don’t I tell you a story, like when you were child. They always seemed to help didn’t they? Whatever demons that plague your thoughts daughter, will be but a distant memory. We Swanhildes are made of strong stuff, and bad memories can’t harm us.” he says as his features soften.

“I’ll look after you.”[/quote]

Dahlia grinned like she was a child all over again “I missed your stories” she said, beaming up at her father.

“And this time I will look after you too. I’m not losing you again, not even Ragnarok will take you from me”