Spies like us?

Sounds neat, I’d be at every event. Can you give us an example mission or two?

I ran something similar called Exquire a few years ago, except that it ran over many weeks and entirely in secret. I still have some of the material from that if you want to (re)use it.

just a suggestion.

you are given a target, lets call him James, you have no idea where he is so you make contact with a source, lets call him Austin, Austin is told where James is located by the GM’s, Austin has to then pass this “Intel” on to you via a dead drop, or something equally sneaky, you then have to track James down and pick a moment to “Assainate” him, by either painting him with a laser dot, or handing him a card that says “You are Dead”.

That includes two different parties, agents and “Assets” and you have to be sneaky so that your target does not get wise to you, plus it allows the possibility for a double cross.

as i said just a suggestion, i have been thinking about a game like this for AGES!! and would love to figure out a way to get it going, and i have lots of ideas.

[quote=“Exquire”]Sounds neat, I’d be at every event. Can you give us an example mission or two?

I ran something similar called Exquire a few years ago, except that it ran over many weeks and entirely in secret. I still have some of the material from that if you want to (re)use it.[/quote]

Thanks for your support, it’s appreciated.

Now I now that people are interested, I’ll think up some missions. I honestly hadn’t planned that far ahead.

If you want to give me some of your material, I’d be happy to read it over. :slight_smile:

[quote=“Carl”]just a suggestion.

i have been thinking about a game like this for AGES!! and would love to figure out a way to get it going, and i have lots of ideas.[/quote]

reads through carefully

I think I get what you are talking about.

If you have any suggestions, feel free to pm them. I can’t guarantee i’ll use them, but i’ll give them an honest look-over. :astonished: