If you’re all sorted, post a list, and the national committee can hold a vote to confirm appointment.
After which Naomi will have to sort you all out with access and email accounts etc.
If you’re all sorted, post a list, and the national committee can hold a vote to confirm appointment.
After which Naomi will have to sort you all out with access and email accounts etc.
It looks like:
President: Matt Swain @viperion
Secretary: Sally Hayes (me)
Treasurer: Edward Stutters @edwardstutters
Gear Officer: Amber Coste @verlanda
Marketing Officer: Stuart Stoddart @jangalian
General Committee: Jennifer Hay @jenhay and Jo East @easjo682
With 4 Dunedinites and 2 Cantabrians
Vote set up. It should take about a week, or less if everybody votes quickly.
The motion to recognise the South Island committee has passed, with 4 in favour and 1 abstention. Congratulations, you’re official!
No more Christchurch rep job for me! I’ve messaged Sally the password for the Christchurch rep gmail account so the committee can take over that. @adrexia you probably want to take away my backstage Diatribe access - is there anything else I should be doing to transition over?
I’ll leave that until the transition period is over (maybe a month or so?). Its still helpful right now and does no harm.
Well, I hear that moving to Wellington is a good thing to do? I think that’s it though really. I’ve marked the rep account as deprecated, but its good to have someone check it until its forgotten about.
You could just have the Christchurch email forward to South Island director in future.
For now it makes more sense for you to have it. I imagine it will become redundant over a reasonably small amount of time.
Its easy enough to set the @nzlarps address to forward wherever, but sometimes the gmail address may also be known/used. It is something that will happen at some point though.
Backstage committee forum access: granted
Gmail addresses: I got as far as the treasurer (so 2), before gmail told me I had set up too many accounts with my cell number. I’m hoping @Viperion can make the rest, but if not I’ll be seeking a volunteer with fewer accounts to their name than I have
Official email addresses: waiting on gmail
Website update: waiting on email.
On it, chief
I’ve updated the history post, but I wasn’t sure whether to add to 2016 or create 2017. I went with 2016 on the grounds that its the same end term as the rest of the committees and it will look neater post AGM. But if it bothers anyone, feel free to fix it (its a wiki-ed post, so editable by Diatribe members).
Emails set up
Backstage committee forum access: granted
Gmail and google docs: Done. Your login details, and further instructions, are here. http://diatribe.co.nz/t/committee-email-addresses/4026 PLEASE RESET YOUR PASSWORD ASAP.
@nzlarps email addresses: Sorted. You should now be able to send and receive @nzlarps email from the gmail accounts mentioned above.
Website update: Sorted http://nzlarps.org/about/contact/
Website CMS Access: Director, Secretary, and Marketing have been granted access to edit/add to/change our 2 main websites (nzlarps.org and whatislarp). Let me know if any of the other committee members would like access too. There is some documentation on your google drives, and you should have received a password reset for your accounts in your official gmail accounts. Your login is your @nzlarps.org address, found here: http://nzlarps.org/about/contact/
What have I forgotten?
As a side note, I created handover doc stubs for Director, Secretary, and Marketing* based on info from my own handover docs that might be relevant. If anyone has any other info useful to the new committee positions, perhaps you could you share it with them? Treasurer, especially, seems like it would be something that requires a bit more info.
I’ve already shared my marketing how-to, as well as a work-in-progress committe guide.
Thanks Naomi, awesome