NZLARPS Banking switch

NZLARPS is changing banks. What this means to those of you in the community is that the bank accounts used for collecting payments for games and memberships will be changing. Every time a new game is advertised, the correct bank account to pay to should be stated in the advertisement, so you should always be able to safely copy-paste from that if you wish. Those of you who have NZLARPS set up as a payee in your internet banking will need to update the account however. The new account numbers are as follows:

12-3066-0279570-00 - National
12-3066-0279570-01 - Auckland
12-3066-0279570-02 - Wellington
12-3066-0279570-03 - Hamilton

Basically, the National account is used for taking membership payments, while the regional accounts are used for taking payments for games being run under that region. Please do try to direct your payment to the correct account, as sending it to the wrong account significantly increases the chances of your payment either being processed slowly, or getting missed altogether. If in doubt about which account to use, the members of the NZLARPS Committees should all be able to advise.

The old accounts will stay open for a while longer yet (I’ll post here again when those accounts close), but please do try to change to using the new account numbers as soon as possible, as they will be the ones primarily being monitored from this point forward, so again there could be delays in processing your payment if it is paid to the old accounts. If you pay to the old accounts after they have been closed, then your payment should be returned automatically to your account after one or two working days, if you made an internet transfer - otherwise I can’t be sure what will happen to it, beyond that we won’t receive it.

Also, if any doubt about whether you are looking at an old or new bank account number, check the first two digits. The old accounts start with 02, while the new accounts start with 12. We’ve tried to update the account numbers on our website, but if you find one of the old accounts listed somewhere, drop me a line at ‘treasurer AT nzlarps DOT org’.

If you have any other questions, feel free to email me at the address above, or post here.

What bank are the new accounts with? :unamused:


The old BNZ accounts will be closed shortly (possibly as early as from tomorrow). It seems like almost everyone has already switched their details, as we have had very few payments into the old accounts, but there still are a very few coming in - even one or two for Crucible… Please everyone if you are unsure where you are paying, check the details you have. The old NZLARPS bank account numbers started with 02-0290, while the new ones start with 12-3066. Once the accounts are shut down, we plain won’t receive your payment, and it’ll be up to you to try to find out where your money went (it should come back to you if you pay to a closed account).

I will post again once I have confirmation that the accounts are closed.

[quote=“Jarak”]The old BNZ accounts will be closed shortly (possibly as early as from tomorrow). It seems like almost everyone has already switched their details, as we have had very few payments into the old accounts, but there still are a very few coming in - even one or two for Crucible… Please everyone if you are unsure where you are paying, check the details you have. The old NZLARPS bank account numbers started with 02-0290, while the new ones start with 12-3066. Once the accounts are shut down, we plain won’t receive your payment, and it’ll be up to you to try to find out where your money went (it should come back to you if you pay to a closed account).

I will post again once I have confirmation that the accounts are closed.[/quote]
The accounts are now closed. If you make a payment to our old accounts, we won’t receive it. The money should be returned to you after one or two working days, but we won’t be able to help if it isn’t. The correct accounts to pay to are listed in the original post.