Okay Maybe what I meant to say was: Not Everyone starts as an uberpowerful son of zeus, uberprince with the best trainers in the world
if you model a game around everyone being what they want you are going to attract powergamers who will get miffed when the other powergamer upsets their powergaming because they do something that dertracts from their characters game or story.
Not every person you attract is going to have the strength of character not to powergame and to act out the Scenario you provided
Thats why i believe equity is important. To attract all players powergamers who try to minmax still can do so but within a boudary of rules preventing upsetting game balance and those roleplayers can make up characters suited to what they want to roleplay. players who just want to play the mercanary are not going to feel overshadowed by the Zeus high poriest smiting them into obivion for sneezing.
I also think if your main issue is playing what you want then powergamers will not make the game very fun unless you ban them.
Not everyone can do everything. That is why skills and experience are developed to depict a characters progression in life.
And if you let every player be a prince or king or gods son if they want to be i thinkyou are going to turn away those people that already look at LARP as a bunch of nutters dressing up and playing with latex and probably more.
Also as a reflection in life. How many princes and 400 year old elven wizards do you think would be in a group of people at once. Do you think those princes and the Wizard would even keep company with the ORC?
Would a prince even risk his life or send his lackeys. How many powergamer lackeys do you think you could get?