My favourite warrior, who shall remain nameless, fought his last one hundred duels using a wooden sword. His opponents used real metal weapons and wore real metal armour. He killed them all with just his wooden sword and died in his sleep at the age of 65. There is a saying “In a competition between warhead and armour, the warhead wins.” If you make better armour you make better weapons. The reason that the classic plate armour was dropped was because it stopped being benificalon a battle field.
In the proposed system, my favourite swordsman he would die in about 30 seconds. This is in no way a reflection of reality. The proposed system is not about realism. It is about advantaging a certain group or class of players. This is further noted as Derek stated else where that the mages should have a reduced spell set and that their offensive spells should be reduced or removed. This severly limits balance.
If you want a national game that everyone will play, making a set of rules for a small group of players will not help. In fact it will drive many players away. The rules proposed seem more like a LRP version of SCA or Norsemen. They seem to be removing the fantasy element altogether. As there are plenty of SCA and Norseman groups about, just join one of them.
I find it funny, earlier I proposed a balanced system, that was not based on Quest. It was shot down in flames really fast for being unrealistic. It is still a lot more realistic than this proposed system.