Let's change our name to Tuakoi

Please don’t call it kiwilarps.

I think Derek has a point here… will a name change help us in any real way? Cultural inclusion is all nice & good but I doubt it’ll attract any new members.

Avoiding the issue of which ‘Te Reo’ to use… (And this is a very long and involved discussion.)

The number one reason for a organistation to change its name is when there is some negative connection with that name.

One has to ask the question “does changing the name justify all the cost, effort, the loss of existing goodwill and brand creation, the possible loss of cliental on change over and the potental alienation of existing cutomers/clients/crew?” Changing a name on an existing organistion is not easy. I know, we’ve done it a couple of times in 15 years. Thats why we have changed name in the last decade.

Can’t see any real arguement to change, but then again I don’t get to vote so its not my problem.

I agree, and I would designate this approach as reactive.

What Craig is suggesting is a proactive change, to a name that he feels will better characterise our group. And for this to work, it will need to be supported by the members, which I don’t think it is, although not everyone involved in this discussion is a member.

Me, I’d like to see at least a Maori complementary name, one that isn’t so much a literal translation as an artistic translation e.g. Te Roopu Tuakoi (the group of the imagination).

Derek’s point about NZ Sign Language is a good one, and it so happens that my wife is a sign language interpreter. She’s going to ask her Deaf friends for an appropriate sign, which is an alternative to the fingerspelling (and a whole lot quicker to learn and express).

[quote="Mike Curtis "]…although not everyone involved in this discussion is a member.

That is a side effect of altering names. Not everyone in this discussion is a member, but everyone in the discussion seems to be affected by the results of a name change.

It is always wise to err on the side of caution when changinging names as it is not easy to change a name back. Just look at “New Coke”.