Help me Dia-tribe Kenobi

Having them bop each other for a bit beforehand is a very good idea- kids are sensory creatures and they’ll understand that it’s Not Fun to be hit hard once they’ve been hit themselves.

I’d also suggest restricting safe to hit zones based on age, say anyone under 10 would be legs and arms only, over 10 would be allowed to take torso and/or back shots too. They’ve got a bit more finesse when it comes to fine and gross motor skills by that age so hopefully they won’t take too many head and sensitive anatomy shots.

I was going to suggest paper swords, maybe even after Anna’s comment. They don’t hurt as much and are cheap to make.

Paper swords, when made so they won’t bend in battle, are almost as hard as wood*. They are used all the time in pacifist warfare. Larp doesn’t give me anywhere near as many bruises as pacifist warfare did. Some of that might be the ethos, rather than just the weaponry though.

  • Though if bending isn’t a concern they can be made softer.