
Once the community gets rolling, it would be nice to run some local events under the Diatribe banner. Something like a “LARP day” where a number of organisers can run short games. I reckon theatre style/freeform style games would suit this best. Usaully all the characters are written in advance by the organisers for these, there’s heaps of inter-player conflict written in and usually few or no NPCs. These sort of games suit being played in a house as they usually have abstract combat and are often set in moder/recent historical/futuristic settings. They also often break away from the fantasy/vampire/horror genres that predominate in Auckland, which would be nice for a change. The characters being pre-written makes the games read-to-run, and also challenges the players to play character types they might not normally choose themselves.

A group outing to see improvised theatre at the Covert Theatre would also be cool, and very easy to organise. Great entertainment value, not very expensive.