An Epic Greek LARP

In terms of Herakles and his tasks. Lets not forget that after he completed them he went with Jason on hos search for the golden fleece but bailed out about half way through. Looking for his nephew.

But if you do decide on a clean history can I have completed the first task? I realy want the nemian lion’s pelt. That thing is great. It can’t be cut by anything save the lions claws.

Yep, Herk gets the lion skin.

It may not be able to be cut, but you still can be :slight_smile:

Does anybody have a classical Greek wargaming army?

Or does everyone do fantasy these days?

Most people do fantasy. But historic games in new market stock the classical ones. They’re really cool. But all metal so more expensive.

That’s pretty much the sort of stories I was hopinh for too :smiley:

I withdraw most of my concerns. I started thinking about it and realised the damned mythology twists, turns and intertwines too much, so we will have to make “Okay, that never happened” calls in the interests of the game.

I think we should pick the ‘starting points’ of each character on a case by case basis and as close to the start of their story as possible without causing major disruptions. (i.e. Heracles, you’ve completed the first labour. Jason, you haven’t heard about the Golden Fleece. Helen, you’re happily married to Menelaus etc.)

Exactly. The average level of knowledge of Greek Mythology should be sufficient for players to get by. They all know that a big chap with a bulls head and an axe is a Minotaur. They all know to run away when sexy women with snakes in their hair turn up.

All major characters (i.e. anybody with an advantage and a disadvantage) will have a character write up detailing who they already know/like/hate…

I need suggestions for a venue for this game. I was planning to use the Old Cement Works in Warkwarth. But they’re now closed, fenced off and considered dangerous.

I’m currently planning the game to be one day, going into the evening.

At a minimum the site needs: privacy, toilets, a stream/creek/river or pond and enough area to move around in. Interesting terrain would be a big plus.

Not wanting to sound smarmy, but I could have told you about the cement works if you’d asked. :wink: I used them a couple of times years ago, they were a fantastic venue. But now you can’t walk among the buildings at all.

If you want toilets then you’re probably looking for something like a camp.

There’s a list of camps in Auckland here:

The trick is to find somewhere that you can book out. As those are private camps, that could be tricky.

Might have more luck with scout camps. But Motu Moana is the only one I know in Auckland. Ruapehu Scout Lodge might be good for a snow game, you could probably get it in summer. But that’s no use for this, unless you want the game to be on the side of Mt Olympus.

Alternatively, you could just find suitable land and hire port-a-loos. They work find for daytime stuff, not so great in the dark.

Hey, how about Motutapu Island or Motukorea (Browns) Island? I’ve always wanted to play out on one of those, they look so lush and green. Motutapu has camps and facilities, whereas Browns has nothing whatsoever except a few old ruined walls and an old farm and a whole heap of pukekos. and I’m not sure how they’d feel about you taking a portaloo along. :wink: But Browns is small and otherwise totally perfect for a contained game! You’d need a boat to get there though. If you go out to scout it let me know, I’d love to have a look around.

Will keep thinking on it.

I went on school camp for Motutapu Island six or so years ago. If my recollections are correct, I think it would work really well. There’s even a camp out there we could book…

I’ve been to events there myself - it’d be ideal. sigh

Nevermind! Moving right along…

Has anybody first hand knowledge of any of the following areas?

Otuataua Stonefields (Ambury Farm/Mangere Bridge)

Schlaepfer Park Scout Camp

And if Medea’s still free, I’m entirely keen, and it’s all Anna’s fault anyway. =P

But as I’m a filthy Wellingtonian I’ll just need notice to get myself up to Auckland or wherever. =)

Given this is still in “ideas” mode, could I move it to the “Game ideas” forum? I’m hoping this forum is used to announce upcoming one-off games and discuss past ones.

Sure, move as you see fit.

If moving the forum would in any way make you happier, please do so.

[quote=“Anna K”]Of course, if we HAVE reached our goddess quota, I’d like to be Medea. points at icon[/quote]Didn’t she murder her children? And I thought you were such a nice girl, too. :wink:

Only to spite the husband that was ditching her. :smiley: .

Motukorea is very close to where I live. One of my neighbours swims from the coast at the bottom of the driveway to the island on a regular basis. My family has a boat that could be used for transport, could take about 5 passengers + steersman. I’ve been there several times, and I think it would be absolutely perfect for a LARP game. There is a shed on the island with two bunk beds, a small kitchen and a toilet, if I remember rightly. It’s not perfect, but it would work. If somebody was to write a nice letter to DOC, we might even be allowed to take tents and camp overnight. Scout groups have done so in the past, and last year I think a guy from overseas lived there for about a fortnight in a wind-powered house.

[quote=“Anna K”][quote=“Stephanie”]Didn’t she murder her children?[/quote]Only to spite the husband that was ditching her. :smiley: .[/quote]Oh, sure, because they deserved it, right?

I’m sorry, you’re right. :frowning: I don’t condone child killing.

I’m just used to treating mythology as something completely and utterly seperate from reality. It’s like a soap opera, it’s too outlandish to be looked at within normal boundaries of ‘horrible’.

Reason I myself like Medea is that I am very impressed that there was at least one female in Greek mythology that didn’t sort of curl up into a ball of suicide when her husband left. (There was also Clytemnestra, but she was a nasty awful husband killer and nobody likes her either)

A toilet? That’s all we need. Derek’s not suggesting camping.

Can you confirm about the toilet, and whether we can use it? The ARC site says there are no facilities.

I’d be so keen to play on Motukorea if we possibly can. I’m sure someone will have a boat that could take a few more people. And once we’re there - whole island (probably mostly) to ourselves!

It’s 800 meters in diameter. Big enough for a real adventure, not so big you won’t be able to see heaps of other players scattered around the place I reckon.

I’m amping to go over there.