Not wanting to sound smarmy, but I could have told you about the cement works if you’d asked. I used them a couple of times years ago, they were a fantastic venue. But now you can’t walk among the buildings at all.
If you want toilets then you’re probably looking for something like a camp.
There’s a list of camps in Auckland here:
The trick is to find somewhere that you can book out. As those are private camps, that could be tricky.
Might have more luck with scout camps. But Motu Moana is the only one I know in Auckland. Ruapehu Scout Lodge might be good for a snow game, you could probably get it in summer. But that’s no use for this, unless you want the game to be on the side of Mt Olympus.
Alternatively, you could just find suitable land and hire port-a-loos. They work find for daytime stuff, not so great in the dark.
Hey, how about Motutapu Island or Motukorea (Browns) Island? I’ve always wanted to play out on one of those, they look so lush and green. Motutapu has camps and facilities, whereas Browns has nothing whatsoever except a few old ruined walls and an old farm and a whole heap of pukekos. and I’m not sure how they’d feel about you taking a portaloo along. But Browns is small and otherwise totally perfect for a contained game! You’d need a boat to get there though. If you go out to scout it let me know, I’d love to have a look around.
Will keep thinking on it.