NZLARPS National Committee quarterly summary April 2018

NZLARPS National Committee quarterly summary April 2018

The NZLARPS National Committee doesn’t formally meet, and instead conducts business through its Diatribe forum. As a result, we don’t publish formal minutes. Instead, we have decided to provide a quarterly summary of business.

Matters discussed
Since January the National Committee has:

  • Been forwarded an application for membership under the Membership Application Policy so that a decision can be made under s5 of the constitution on whether or not to allow the applicant to join. This is the first time NZLARPS has had to make such a decision, and the committee has sought legal advice on how to proceed. This has been a time-consuming process, but we hope to be able to make a decision in the near future. Courtney Parnell has recused herself from this item of business.
  • The President has continued consultations on complaints and disciplinary policy. This work is ongoing.
  • Continued to keep an eye on whether we need to register for GST.
  • Been notified that the discount previously negotiated with Worbla had expired.
  • Received a report from the secretary on membership numbers.