NZLARPS National Committee Meeting Minutes July 2010

National Committee Meeting 7th July 2010

Present: Anna, Liz, Rowena, Muppet, Nikki


Expenses and Membership Fees

The committee estimates the National expenses to be:

Computer related costs (domain names etc) $100
Bank Fees $120
Marketing $300
Misc expenses $50

Annual Total $570

All membership fees to go to National account. At the end of the financial year, at the National Committee’s discretion, the National Committee will distribute any excess funds to the regions. The funds will be allocated to the region on a pro-rata basis based on percentage of membership.
Anna Proposes, Rowena seconds. Passes unanimously.

Returning funds to Auckland

Based on current list of 73 members, National Committee to keep $1095 in membership fees for the year (based on an average of $15 per member. Full membership $20, Student $15, Chimera special was $10).
Return to Auckland $2136.91
Liz Proposes, Muppet seconds. Passes unanimously.

Marketing Report

The newsletter is going well. Muppet would like to see more community created lolarps based on recent photos.
NZLARPS currently has Facebook, Twitter, Live Journal and Bebo. Muppet will contact Scott Marks to get passwords etc and look at getting these all up to date.
Muppet to write a marketing guide.


We need to co-ordinate how to have an National AGM.

Action Points

[ul]Anna and Liz to continue working on reconstructing the accounts
Rowena to continue to keep membership list updated
Muppet to write marketing guide
Anna and Liz to continue to investigate banking options for the society
Anna to post a thread online to discuss logistic of holding a National AGM[/ul]

Meeting adjourned 8.45pm