Next Game Genre

We had a chat on Mordavia about possible next game genres which has been closed to encourage people to move that type of conversation over here to diatribe.

I just read the online graphic novel because I noticed it on HanSagan profile.

It’s fantastic! It’s not just boobs and lesbians, it has a fantastic story line as well! AND it would make a fantastic LARP scenerio!

(can I play Roger the virgin sexbot)

Having to point out it’s not just boobs and lesbians does say something about the content, though. I found it a bit hard to get past the manga-ness, but that’s just personal taste.

Super-keen to hear what ideas people have got for games. I’d happily play in a Star Wars larp, or a Maori/colonists larp, or classical period, or most of the other things previously suggested. I’d really like to play some modern day non-supernatural games, even a Dogma99 game or two.

I am at present (slowly) developing a long term, ongoing LARP based on mid 1950’s science fiction radio programmes.

I’m still keen on an ancient Greek LARP.

I’d like to see a game where there was no PC/NPC distinction and I’m also not convinced having XP is a good thing.

[quote=“Derek”]I’m still keen on an ancient Greek LARP.

I would TOTALLY be down for that!
I’m sure every other classics student would be keen too.

Sign up this Classics geek!

Greek is neither here nor there for me, but I’m all for that approach to any game. Less numbers, less artificiality, more play.

If there is Classics LARPing to be done, I am so so so there. Where do I sign up? :smiley:

If you’re not carefull, you’ll be put in charge.

Actually, a Greek Mythology LARP would be suited to a style of RPG I used to play in called Immortals. Basically, you choose something to be master (or mistress) of. For example there were Masters of darkness, light, corruption, war, pain etc…

If someone else decided to be Master of something that overlapped your power, you lost a little bit of power. For example the Master of Night took power away from the Master of Darkness (and so did the Master of Shadow). Night, shadow, darkness etc was very popular so they all ended up diluting each other.

I mention this because the Greek gods were associated with different powers (strength, wisdom, war, death etc) and they often had children by mortals and the children inherited much of the gods attribute.

So - you could have some players (either GMs or non-combatants) who played the gods. Probably want the head GM playing Zeus. You could have players who like being the playthings of the gods playing the children of the gods and being manipulated, tricked etc. Players who didn’t want to be the gods playthings (i.e. wanted some control over their lives) would be normal mortals.

So rather than the GM/Crew/PC split we have in Mordavia, you have a Gods/Immortals(?)/Mortals split.

So rather than the GM/Crew/PC split we have in Mordavia, you have a Gods/Immortals(?)/Mortals split.[/quote]


I think the actual term is Half God.

Isn’t it Demigod?

Jesus, is there anyone in Auckland who hasn’t played with Jim?

If you’re going down that track, the published RPG Nobilis has got far better rules and a more consistent setting for god play. Immortals seemed to me like it was a patchwork of rules stiched together by a mad hobbit. Nobilis has LARP rules, too, althogh I don’t know if they work.

I’ve read some acccounts of a Greek game with gods and mortals, on The Larper:

bows introducing the Master of Hands!

Immortals had rules? Sheesh, nobody told me there were rules!

I was the Lord of the Hunt, for one-and-a-half sessions. I wanted to be a Diana-style Lady of the Hunt, but Jim had a conniption at the idea of a guy playing a girl. Ironically, he then spent half a session running a female NPC.

I found the game dull, dull, dull. The rules were hacked together from AD&D, various other RPGs, and lint from his brain. The GMing left “something to be desired.” The setting was so open that I had no sense of a fictional reality.

But I can see the appeal of a god game. Check out Nobilis, really. From what I’ve read, it perfects what Jim attempted. It’s currently published by Guardians of Order:

I think it assumes the modern era, but you could set it in any time I think.

I’d buy it… but I already have some other RPGs that I want to play and haven’t gotten around to. Like the new Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, which seems fantastic.

Derek has started a new thread in the once-off games section, with intent to organise a single ancient Greek LARP and try the idea out.

That thread is here.

That’s great - exactly the kind of thing we want to see happening on the DIATRIBE forum. Let’s continue brainstorming here, and people are welcome to open other threads to organise the games, or even have their own complete forums (hidden or visible to everyone) and administer a membership group for their forum too. I know there are at least two hidden forums where people are organising games at present.

While I’m rambling about the opportunities here, I’ll just throw in that the LARPS society intends to aid development wherever we can, including props, FUNDING, and skills.

Play on!