Minutes of Auckland Regional AGM, Oct 22 2015

Start: 7:50pm.

Quorum: We needed 22 votes for quorum. At the start of the meeting we had online votes and in person representation from 20 members. We sent out a Facebook call for more votes at start of meeting and got up to 23 online votes and in person votes, which is enough for quorum.

Committee reports, as posted online:

Presidents report - Prema Cottingham:

  • Chimera - ran very successfully and made a good profit thanks to Anna’s excellent management.
  • New projects this year - Moonbright, Hogwarts and Dry Spell.
  • Implementation of gear fees means none of the projects have run at a loss.
  • World that Is has come on as a new project.
  • It has become apparent that it’s not that widely known that NZLARPs provides financial support for projects and gear. It does!
  • Successful Pirates game.

Marketing report - Prema Cottingham:

  • The society is moving website platforms, which will make the “What is Larp” and NZLARPs websites easier to update. This will make the marketing role easier.
  • Role has essentially been empty for 2 years. We have had rapid turnover of marketing officers over the last two years.
  • Prema is standing for the role this AGM.
  • Armageddon - we decided not to have a stand this time as the cost of stand increased.
  • Aethercon was well run, we had a stand at that. Lots of wall space to put photos up, lots of sign ups.

Treasurer Report - Walter Hamer

Gear Report - Mikaere Curtis

  • The paid for gear storage is working really well. It is much easier to take out and put away the gear, compared to old shed.
  • Mike would like to make changes to the storage space, to allow more shelving.

General Officer Report - Dave Luxton:
Library con was not organised as well this year as last year, however it was free, and we did get some sign ups.

Secretary Report - Clare Stones
Clare is not seeking re-election this time, due to expecting a baby in December.

Cameron Burns was elected as the Returning Officer.

The new Auckland Regional was elected and is:

  • Regional Director: Dave Luxton
  • Secretary: Beth Strom
  • Treasurer: Walter Hamer
  • Marketing: Prema Cottingham
  • Gear Officer: Mikaere Curtis

Closed at 8:24pm.