2017 To-do list

We are collating a to-do list for NZLARPS for 2017.

I’m only gonna be unemployed a little bit longer (fingers crossed) so lets … try to avoid using political slogans and terrible metaphors to express enthusiasm and desire for progress… ?

This is an invite to Wellington Larpers, former-larpers, not-quite larpers etc, to tell me what you want. What larps do you want run, what rules do you want changed, what gear do you want purchased, what workshops do you want run.

It could be related to the results of the marketing survey (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/17SIVZVRYkfBBogA92TwSuT6xjuN1M-WswBN8UmBqAkc/edit#slide=id.p Thank you @IdiotSavant), from a previous discussion, or something that’s occurred to you.

You can post it here, PM me, email me (I’ll take possession of the Director emails soon, but haven’t yet), send me a carrier pigeon (you’ll have to source that yourself though). There’s no harm in repeating ourselves during the ideas sessions, so don’t worry if you’re not sure if it’s come up before, say it anyway. But lets keep discussion and cross-chatter to a minimum so we can collect ideas.

(Non Wellington people, your committees have also been invited to collect ideas from you. But feel free to post here anyway.)


I see someone said they want Hogwarts Reunion! Yes, we will run it again, I promise. It will be in the next Winter season, if not before.

I want larping craft sessions. Not even formal workshops, but open sessions where people can work together and exchange ideas. Because non-larp/costuming crafters are lovely, but they do not have the same things to discuss that I do.

Formal workshops are also cool - I would like to learn more about doing simple fx makeup, and learn to make larp safe weaponry. I would be happy to share my sewing & costume design skills with others if that’s something there is interest in.

I want easy-to-attend campaigns. That means, for me, not all weekend, one day at most, at a time; run every 2-6 months; reasonably local; not super-high costume bar (so not historical). I have got one of these by dint of living with the GM, but I am hungry for more.

I want people to feel safe in our community, and I am eager to know how I can help with this.


I see someone said they want Hogwarts Reunion! Yes, we will run it again, I promise. It will be in the next Winter season, if not before.

It would be perfect post-Armageddon, assuming we do that again next year.

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“Post-Armageddon or Mid-Armageddon?”, asks Jarratt

Well, you’re the GMs, so its up to you. But normally we try and advertise the ComicCon / Armageddon-weekend game on the ComicCon website. And I’m really nervous about putting branded IP on that (or even whether they would let us). Advertising it at Armageddon itself isn’t a problem, because no lawyer is going to see a physical poster :slight_smile:

Hmm. 20 player game, so might be smaller than you really want in that slot, though?

My previous concerns about newbies wanting something less fanfic-inspired and more canon have been eased by actually interacting with a crowd that shows up at Armageddon for Tom Felton. They pretty much breathe fanfic. lol

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We’re considering running two 20-player games in May and June this time, rather than a single bigger one. So we’d fine some other genre or geek-appealing game to follow up with.

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Ok, we’d have to figure out the timing, but we’re happy to fill one of those slots if you want the game for it. Could just use some help sorting venue. :slight_smile:

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I can help with logistics.

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